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Chen Xiaohua meets Sirleaf, President of Republic of Liberia


On November 4, 2015, Chen Xiaohua, member of the Party committee and vice general manager of CGGC, president and general manager of CGGC International, met Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president of Republic of Liberia in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, who came to pay a state visit to China. Both parties carried out practical and friendly negotiations in terms of cooperation in infrastructure construction field of Liberia and reached the consensus to jointly boost the implementation of related projects and benefit the people of Liberia as soon as possible. Minister without portfolio of Liberia and Ambassador of Liberia in China participated in the talks.

Chen Xiaohua and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in meeting [Photo /]

Chen Xiaohua introduced to President Sirleaf the development course, the overall strength, the global development layout of international business and a batch of representative international projects including the project of President Nestor Kirchner and Governor Jorge Cepernic Hydropower Station on the Santa Cruz River in Argentina and Kaka Hydropower Station in Angola, mainly introduced the operation conditions of Bangkuang Heavy Oil Power Station that CGGC invested in Liberia, management conditions of Gezhouba Explosive Co., Ltd. and the promotion of Yalata Hydropower Station. Chen Xiaohua said that CGGC would inherit and promote the long-term friendly cooperation tradition of both parties, fully exert its excellent technique, management and financing advantages and further participate in the investment and construction of Liberia energy infrastructure field so as to benefit the people of Liberia.

President Sirleaf gave full approval of the comprehensive strength and its development achievements of international business of CGGC and showed his praise to CGGC for its long-term devotion in the social and economic construction of Liberia. The president said that the government of Liberia welcomed CGGC to continue its participation in the construction and investment of energy infrastructure field of Liberia and would designate related departments to negotiate on the concrete projects and details of CGGC; he hoped that both parties could keep deepening win-win cooperation and further boost the social progress and economic development of Liberia.