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Chen Xiaohua meets Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing of Ghana


On October 25, Mr. Chen Xiaohua, Standing Committee Member of Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of CGGC, as well as Chairman and General Manager of CGGC International, met Mr. Kwaku Agyeman Mensah, Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing of the Republic of Ghana. Both Parties had a friendly talk about the operation of Kaipeng Water Supply Expansion Project and further cooperation in the field of infrastructure construction in Ghana.

Mr. Chen Xiaohua extended warm welcome to the Minister's visit to China, and expressed gratitude to the Minister and the Government of Ghana for their great supports and assistance to CGGC in the development in Ghana. During the meeting, Mr. Chen Xiaohua introduced to Minister Mensah the development process, overall strength and constructed works of CGGC, as well as the good business development of CGGC in Africa and Ghana. Mr. Chen Xiaohua said that on the basis of the successful completion of Kaipeng Water Supply Expansion Project, CGGC would continue to play our strengths in technology, management, investment and financing, further participate in Ghana's infrastructure construction, and make a contribution to the promotion and improvement of the socio-economic development and livelihood of Ghana.

Minister Mensah said that the first phase of Kaipeng Water Supply Expansion Project had been widely praised by the Government of Ghana, the water supply company and capital communities for its perfect engineering and excellent quality since it was put into service in May of 2015. It had been fully proved that CGGC had excellent brand strength and good reputation, the Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing of Ghana viewed CGGC as a strategic partner in the field of water conservancy of Ghana, and Ghana had full confidence in close cooperation on the second phase of Kaipeng Water Supply Expansion Project and looked forward to the early completion of the second phase so as to benefit the people of Ghana.