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Ambassador of China in Bosnia and Herzegovina Visited CGGC International


On September 7, 2015, Chen Bo, Ambassador of China in Bosnia and Herzegovina, visited CGGC International headquarter inBeijing. Lv Zexiang, Vice General Manager of CGGC International, warmly received her.

Lv Zexiang introduced the development process, comprehensive strength, investment and financing capability of CGGC as well as the development condition of international business to Ambassador Chen Bo in detail. Lv Zexiang stated that CGGC was willing to take the construction of Tuzla Thermal Power Station as an opportunity, sufficiently play its outstanding strength in the construction of world infrastructure field, actively participate in social and economic construction of Bosnia and Herzegovina so as to benefit their national production and living.

Ambassador Chen Bo expressed deep appreciation for CGGC’s comprehensive strength and development achievements on international business, she also welcomed CGGC to further develop in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Central and Eastern Europe market. She stressed that Tuzla Thermal Power Station was significant to energy construction in Bosnia and Herzegovina and directly benefit local people’s production and domestic power utilization. The Embassy of China will provide support and help for CGGC to push the implementation of Tuzla Thermal Power Station project as well as CGGC’s further development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.