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Ren Jianguo inspects hydropower station project in Argentina


From November 5 to 10, 2015, Ren Jianguo, vice general manager of CGGC went to inspect the project of President Nestor Kirchner and Governor Jorge Cepernic Hydropower Station on the Santa Cruz River in Argentina.

Ren Jianguo visited the company's office in Buenos Aires, Argentina, listened to the work report of Project Department and learned the construction report and purchase procedures and process, financial capital management, tax plan and contract text in the implementation process of the project.

Ren Jianguo required the Project Department to strictly adhere to the 16 management bans, learn the management system and methods and divide the systems and methods of Project Department according to the principle of "One Country, One Policy; One Point, One Policy" so as to improve the work efficiency and solve the problems and difficulties in the implementation process. Meanwhile, they should carefully study the new mode of joint venture and carry out the management stipulations of CGGC so as to guarantee that the state-owned capital does not run off and that the profits of CGGC do not run off.

During the period, Ren Jianguo also visited the headquarters of Argentina Yilin Company, the cooperative partner of the project of President Nestor Kirchner and Governor Jorge Cepernic Hydropower Station on the Santa Cruz River. Both parties carried out negotiations and communications concerning the issues including the entire influence of president election of Argentina, environmental impact assessment and approval of the project, present progress and cooperation issues of both parties of joint units and also exchanged their ideas on the following work of joint venture.