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Government Delegation of Ecuador visits CGGC International


On October 21, a ten-people delegation from Ecuador, including Mr. Poveda, Rafael, Minister of Strategic Coordination, Mr. Faust Herrera, Minister of Finance, Mr. Paul Villarreal, Secretary General of Deputy President Office, Mr. Jose Maria Borja, Ecuador’s Ambassador to China, visited CGGC International. Mr. Yang Yisheng, Deputy Chief Economist of CGGC, Director of International Business Department, Party Secretary and Deputy General Manager of CGGC International, met the delegation warmly.

The delegation visiting the Culture Hall of CGGC International [Photo /]

Mr. Yang Yisheng briefly introduced the overall development of CGGC and the operations of CGGC in Latin America, expressed gratitude to the Government of Ecuador for its strong supports to CGGC, and had an in-depth conversation about the infrastructure and investment of CGGC in Ecuador with the delegation. Mr. Yang Yisheng said that CGGC, as one of the Chinese enterprises early entering into the market of Ecuador, had contracted several livelihood projects including Sopladora Hydropower Station, Bulubulu Flood Control Project, Blue Mountain Tunnel Project and Millennium Schools Project, and CGGC would continue and deepen mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of infrastructure construction in Ecuador, expand the models of investment cooperation and further benefit the people of Ecuador.

The delegation spoke highly of the contribution of CGGC to economic development of Ecuador, appreciated the good performance of CGGC in the construction projects in Ecuador, and expressed gratitude to CGGC for its active performance of social responsibilities and selfless contribution to the public welfare in Ecuador. Mr. Poveda Rafael, Minister of Strategic Coordination, also introduced to Mr. Yang Yisheng the strategic infrastructure development plan of Ecuador. He said that Ecuador welcomed CGGC to invest in the energy infrastructure, promote the economic and social development of Ecuador and benefit the people of Ecuador, and the Government of Ecuador would continue to support and assist CGGC in its business development in Ecuador.