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Lyu Zexiang Meets with Faisel- Chairman of Council of Kuwait Silk City and Bubiyan Island Development Agency


On June 9, Lu Zexiang, General Manager of CGGC International and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, warmly welcomed the delegation led by Faisel Abdur Rahman Mudliki, Chairman of Council of Kuwait Silk City and Bubiyan Island Development Agency. Both parties reached broad consensus on deepening cooperation between Kuwait’s Northern Five Islands and Silk City Project, and have achieved positive results. Samiha Hayat, Kuwait’s Ambassador to China and Gao Hairan, Deputy Director of the International Pision of the National Development and Reform Commission were also present.

Scene of the Meeting

During the meeting, Lyu Zexiang warmly welcomed Mr. Faisal and his delegation, and detailed the achievements of CGGC in development of its international businesses, as well as its market development in Kuwait and the Middle East. He noted that Kuwait is an important country along the “Belt and Road”, and that CGGC has always attached great importance to the Kuwait market, extensively participated in economic construction and investment in Kuwait, and proactively promoted practical cooperation in key projects in Kuwait. He also noted that, as the main force in the development of overseas industrial parks, tourism real estate and other strategic markets, CGGC is willing to maintain good communication with the Council, participate in the construction and investment of Kuwait North Five Islands and Silk City projects in strict accordance with the planning and requirements of Kuwait, and to provide design, investment, financing and engineering construction services in the fields of power, transportation, municipal works, etc., so as to make more contributions to Kuwait’s economic development.

Mr. Faisal highly appreciated the outstanding achievements made by CGGC in global projects, especially in the fields of electricity, water treatment and municipal construction, and extended his gratitude to CGGC for its active involvement in Kuwait’s economic construction. Mr. Faisal presented Kuwait’s initial vision of creating the Northern Five Islands and Silk City as a highly liberal regional financial center, a resort medical center and a trade logistics center similar to Dubai. He noted that the unique advantages of CGGC in construction and investment of industrial parks, tourism real estate and other areas are highly consistent with the development needs of Kuwait’s Five Northern Islands and Silk City construction. He hoped that CGGC could extensively and deeply participate in the construction and investment of Kuwait’s Five Northern Islands and Silk City relying on its own expertise and international business development experience to further boost Kuwait’s development.

Before the meeting, Mr. Faisal and his delegation visited CGGC’s Enterprise Culture Exhibition Hall and listened to Lyu Zexiang’s introduction to the development course, business fields and international business layout of CGGC.