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CGGC Attends the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Date:2018-09-05 VisitCount:39


On September 3, the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was opened in the Great Hall of the People. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. This is another grand meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation after the 2006 Beijing Summit and the 2015 Johannesburg Summit, in which the leaders of China and Africa gathered together to discuss the China-Africa Cooperation in the New Era. As a representative of outstanding Chinese-funded enterprises in Africa, CGGC was invited to attend the opening ceremony and participate in related activities. Chen Xiaohua, Chairman of CGGC, and Lyu Zexiang, Deputy General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of CGGC International attended the meeting.

Scene of Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

As a pioneer in practicing China’s “Going Global” strategy, CGGC has make its presence globally and participated in multiple water conservancy, hydropower, medical and healthcare projects in Africa as early as in 1970s. In recent years, CGGC successfully won “Top Ten Chinese Enterprises Touching the Africa”, and contributed nearly half of the total amount of overseas contracts within eight years from 2010 to 2017.

Undertaking People’s Livelihood Projects and Benefiting Local People

“In my country, every and each of us desire to drink safe and healthy water, and CGGC makes our dream a reality,” said Clara VidaClara Vida from CGGC International Equatorial Guinea Project Department when mentioning Malabo Sewage  and Rainwater Treatment Plant and Pipeline System Project undertaken by CGGC in Equatorial Guinea. Put into trial operation in October 2015, the Project can treat and discharge 14,000 cubic meters of urban domestic sewage in a unified manner by collecting the sewage to the treatment plant via city-wide distributed sewage pipeline network and 5 sewage lifting pump stations. This is the most technologically advanced and largest sewage treatment project in Equatorial Guinea, which can offer safe drinking water for 200,000 people in the capital city of Malabo after completion.

Malabo Sewage Treatment Plant

Africa is the key area of CGGC’s international businesses. So far, CGGC has expanded its businesses in 48 African countries, set up 29 branches, and signed 92 projects in 27 countries, covering over 10 fields of electricity power, water conservancy, highway, railway, port, airport, house building, municipal engineering, new energy, etc. CGGC has created multiple records in the history of construction in Africa. Among them, the Third Bridge of Bamako in Mali is so far the largest aided projects of China in West Africa. Caculo Cabaca Hydropower Plant in Angola is the largest hydropower plant project undertaken by Chinese enterprise in Africa in 2015. Mambilla Hydropower Station on Nigeria is so far the hydropower station with the largest contracted amount in Africa. Tekeze Hydropower Station in Ethiopia it participated in is the China’s first overseas hydropower project wining “Luban Prize”, the top prize in China’s construction industry.

Caculo Cabaca Hydropower Plant in Angola

Third Bridge of Bamako in Mali

Tekeze Hydropower Station in Ethiopia

Over the past half century, CGGC has placed its focus on the construction of energy infrastructure in Africa in accordance with the concept of sustainable development, realizing the leap-forward development from single project to project clusters in multiple countries. At present, CGGC has completed 29 projects and are now constructing 38 projects in Africa. Projects under construction are all in good condition and smoothly progressed.

In June 2018, Liouesso Hydropower in the Republic of Congo successfully passed the project acceptance, fundamentally solving the problem of electricity shortage in the northern part of the country. In August 2017, that DC-01 Main Road of the Municipal Infrastructure Project in Sambizanga, Angola, was officially put into use, and the president of Angola attended the ceremony and unveiled for the road system. In December 2016, Phase I of the Expansion Project of Massar Water Plant in Angola was completed, providing healthy and high-quality water for 600,000 people. In February 2016, the Northern Road Upgrading Project in Namibia was handed over for use, and then president cut the ribbons for the road. In December 2015, Kpong Water Supply Expansion Project in Ghana achieved the goal of water supply half a year ahead of schedule, and was awarded “Sustainable Infrastructure Project outside China” in 2017. In September 2011, the Third Bridge of Bamako in Mali, the largest aided project implemented by the Chinese government in West Africa and the longest highway bridge on the Niger River in Mali, was delivered in advance. In 2009, Tekeze Hydropower Station, the highest double-curvature arch dam hydropower station in Africa and the largest hydropower station in Ethiopia, was officially put into operation for power generation.

Northern Road Upgrading Project in Namibia

Kpong Water Supply Expansion Project in Ghana

CGGC’s energy infrastructure construction projects are distributed all over the African Continent, which significantly improve the natural and social environment in the host country, relief the bottleneck for local economic development and help the African countries to transfer their resources advantages into impetus for sustainable development.

Strengthening the Local Construction for Common Development

As the main force of the central enterprises, CGGC has made its presence in African market for years, and has vigorously implemented the localization management and promoted the people-to-people tie for common development.

In October 2016, the North West Regional Headquarters of CGGC was officially opened in Abuja, Capital of Nigeria, which is mainly responsible for the market development of 28 countries in North West Africa. This is a great step to speed up the development of overseas markets in accordance with the guiding ideology of “region-based governance and market advancement.”

In Africa, CGGC extensively recruits labors, management personnel, purchase and lease materials and equipment from the host country, greatly improving the local employment and promoting the development of upstream and downstream industries such as building material production, product manufacture and comprehensive services. Meanwhile, CGGC also attaches importance to improving the employment skills of local employees, formulating professional training plans, employing professional engineers to give theocratic and practical trainings, and organizing project management personnel to the headquarters for training. As a result, CGGC has trained a remarkable number of professional technical management personnel.

Organizing Trainings for Foreign Employees in the Headquarters

To speed up the localization and internationalization of overseas management personnel, CGGC has accelerated to introduce foreign managers. Many foreign managers in Africa have witnessed the whole process from the beginning to the development of CGGC’s projects in Africa, and have gradually grown into the backbone of CGGC’s overseas business.

In the meantime, CGGC is also committed to the development of social welfare undertakings in the host country, extensively participates in local water, education, medical and other undertakings. In Angola, CGGC has built a free water intake pump station on the bank of the diversion channel of the hydropower station for the convenience of residents nearby. In Malabo, Capital of Equatorial Guinea, CGGC donated 5 public welfare wells for the citizens of Malabo who lack water. In Ethiopia, CGGC GD-3 Project Department donated a primary school – CGGC Hope Primary School - to the project site, providing better education for more local children.

Charity Water Station in Angola

Welfare Water Well in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

CGGC Gives Support to Orphanage in Luanda, Angola

CGGC will continue to uphold the cooperation concept of “integrity, fairness and win-win”, proactively participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road” by China and Africa, and make contributions to the building the Community of Shared Future for China and Africa.