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Niger President H.E Mahamadou Issoufou Attends the Commencement Ceremony for Kandadji Hydropower Station


The Kandadji Hydropower Station undertaken by CGGC, which is a subsidiary of Energy China, ushered its commencement ceremony on March 26th local time. H.E. Mahamadou Issoufou, 
President of the Republic of Niger, announced the official commencement of the hydropower station on the site. The commencement ceremony brought together over 500 attendees including Mr. Zhang Lijun, Chinese Ambassador to Niger, representatives of CGGC International and other local residents.

H.E Mahamadou Issoufou mentioned in his speech that the Kandadji Hydropower Station is the largest hydropower station in Niger which is of great significance for the country's future economic construction. The Project will play a positive role in lessening the energy shortage and expanding employment in Niger.

Located around 180km in the upstream of Niamey, Capital of Niger, the Kandadji Hydropower Station is a multi-function hydropower project focusing on power generation, with water supply and irrigation as its auxiliary functions. With an installed capacity of 130MW and an average annual output of about 617 million kWh after completion, the Kandadji Hydropower Station will greatly reduce energy shortages in Niamey and surrounding areas and effectively promote local economic development. Moreover, during the project construction, thousands of jobs will be created and numerous technical talents will be cultivated and trained.