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Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Attends Completion Ceremony of Myanmar Thaton Gas Turbine Project


On the morning of April 5, 2019 local time, the completion ceremony of the Myanmar Thaton Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Generation Project executed by Energy China was held at the site. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counselor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, attended and addressed the ceremony. More than 300 people including U Win Khaing, Minister of Electricity and Energy Ministry of Myanmar, Xie Guoxiang, Counselor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Chen Guanzhong, chief accountant of Energy China, Elem A. Goldstein, World Bank official and GE representative Mr. Ping Wang attended the ceremony.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said, as a developing country, electricity was the lifeblood of Myanmar and the people of the country had a great demand for electricity. Thanks to the multi-cooperation among the parties including Energy China, Thaton Gas Turbine Project was successfully completed, which would benefit the Mon State and even the whole nation. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi welcomed more and more world-class companies like Energy China to participate in Myanmar's power construction and economic development.

U Win Khaing expressed his sincere thanks to Energy China for its outstanding contribution to Myanmar's power infrastructure construction. He stressed that the completion of the Thaton Gas Turbine Project will alleviate the local electricity supply tension effectively and inject new momentum into Myanmar's economic and social development.

Chen Guanzhong attended the ceremony on behalf of Energy China and exchanged views with officials of Ministry of Electricity and Energy of Myanmar. He said that the completion of the project marked the fruitful return of Sino-Myanmar and multilateral cooperation and laid a solid foundation for Sino-Myanmar power cooperation in the future as well.

Thaton Gas Turbine Project, located in Thaton Town of Mon State, is the first project funded by World Bank in Myanmar. The project adopts GE6F.01 gas turbine whose unit design net output is 118.916 MW and the design combined cycle energy conversion efficiency reaches up to 52.82%, which is the world advanced level. The project will make important contributions to alleviate the power shortage situation, promote employment and increase tax revenues in Mon State and states nearby. It also marks a milestone in Myanmar's construction of a nationwide modern power supply network.