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Niger President Mahamadou Issoufou Attends the Commencement Ceremony of Kandadji Hydropower Station


The Kandadji Hydropower Station undertaken by CGGC, the largest hydropower station in Niger, ushered its commencement ceremony on March 26 local time. H.E. Mahamadou Issoufou, President of the Republic of Niger, announced the official commencement of the hydropower station on the site. Among other attendees were Zhang Lijun, Chinese Ambassador to Niger, diplomatic envoys of various countries, Zhang Jun, Deputy General Manager of CGGC Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhang Wei, General Manager of Northwest Africa Regional Headquarters of CGGC International, and local residents, over 500 in total.

Niger President Makes a Speech

Mahamadou Issoufou noted in his speech that the Kandadji Hydropower Station is the largest hydropower station in Niger that is of great significance for the country's future economic construction. The Project will play a positive role in lessening the energy shortage and expanding the employment in Niger. The Government of Niger would like to extend its sincere gratitude to CGGC for supporting Niger’s development.

Ambassador Zhang Lijun noted that the relation between China and Niger progresses smoothly, and economic and trade cooperation has been continuously strengthened in recent years. As the contractor of the Project, CGGC will make all efforts to build it an excellent project, proactively promote Niger’s socio-economic development, improve local people’s livelihood, and make contributions to the in-depth implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and strengthening the long-standing friendship between the two countries.

Niger President Shakes Hands with Representatives of the Contractor

Reputed as the “Three Gorges” in Niger, the Kandadji Hydropower Station is the only and the largest hydropower station in Niger so far. The project fund is raised by the owner, and CGGC successfully won the contract through international public bidding.

Located about 180km in the upstream of Niamey, Capital of Niger, the Kandadji Hydropower Station is a multi-function hydropower project focusing on power generation, with water supply and irrigation as its auxiliary functions. With an installed capacity of 130MW and an average annual output of about 617 million kWh after completion, it will greatly relief the power shortage in and around Niamey and effectively promote local economic development. Moreover, during project construction, thousands of jobs will be created, with numerous technical talents cultivated and trained.

Relevant principals of CGGC Niger Branch and the Project Department of the Kandadji Hydropower Station were also present.