1. 2015/11/23

    Houay Lamphan Gnai Hydropower Station in Laos completed 66 days ahead

    On November 14, 2015, Laos State Power Corporation held solemn completion ceremony in Houay Lamphan ...

  2. Ren Jianguo inspects hydropower station project in Argentina

    From November 5 to 10, 2015, Ren Jianguo, vice general manager of CGGC went to inspect the projec...

  3. 2015/11/18

    Chinese investment eases water & power shortages

    Ghana has one of the strongest economies in West Africa, but many of its cities and towns have been ...

  4. 2015/11/16

    Chen Xiaohua meets Sirleaf, President of Republic of Liberia

    On November 4, 2015, Chen Xiaohua, member of the Party committee and vice general manager of CGGC, p...

  5. 2015/10/27

    Chen Xiaohua meets Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing of Ghana

    On October 25, Mr. Chen Xiaohua, Chairman and General Manager of CGGC International, met Mr. Kwaku A...

  6. 2015/10/23

    Government Delegation of Ecuador visits CGGC International

    On October 21, a ten-people delegation from Ecuador, including Mr. Poveda, Rafael, Minister of Strat...

  7. 2015/10/22

    President Correa of Ecuadorian inspects Millennium Schools Project

    On the morning of October 20 (local time), Mr. Rafael Correa Delgado, President of the Republic o...

  8. 2015/10/14

    Minister of Industry and Trade of Republic of Malawi visits CGGC International

    On October 12, Mr. Lv Zexiang, Deputy General Manager of CGGC International, met Mr. Hon. Joseph Mwa...